The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved the partial transfer of ownership of four dams on the Klamath River from the utility PacifiCorp to the Klamath River Renewal Corporation (KRRC).
Chance of a lifetime
How a unique partnership is working to restore Eel River salmon and steelhead and keep water flowing to Russian River farms
New TU film on Elwha River wild steelhead recovery premieres April 17
WATCH THE FULL FILM NOW: Bases-loaded home runs are few and far between in the river restoration game. But for summer run steelhead, those mysterious and long-distance traveling cousins to winter run O. mykiss, that’s what happened when two dams on Washington’s Elwha River were removed over the past decade. While the rebound of salmon and winter run steelhead in …
Rising from the Ashes
WATCH THE FULL FILM NOW: This is a special week for steelhead anglers, and others who care about the magnificent sea-run form of rainbow trout in its native range of the Pacific Northwest. On Friday, Wild Steelheaders United will launch a new film on the resurgence of summer steelhead in Washington’s Elwha River. The film’s release is supported by a …