Better buffers mean healthier steelhead

In Oregon by Shauna Sherard

    Last week, the Oregon Board of Forestry met to consider stream buffers as they revise a rule that would determine how close timber can be harvested when next to a stream or river. The riparian rule as it’s called, stands to impact thousands of miles of water in Oregon and as such, important populations of steelhead. Increased buffers improve shade, recruit large …

Steelhead Science for Anglers: Corvallis

In Oregon by Shauna Sherard

  The primary objective of the workshop is to inform anglers about the state of the science regarding steelhead issues most relevant to their angling opportunity and experience, and to provide an opportunity for anglers to share their insights with, and ask questions of the scientists. We have selected some of the very best scientists to present because they are …

ACTION ALERT: Support the Frank Moore Wild Steelhead Sanctuary

In Live Action Alerts, Oregon by Shauna Sherard

Through the great work and support of numerous partners, Oregon Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley have introduced S. 1448 to designate the Frank Moore Wild Steelhead Sanctuary.  The Sanctuary would protect an area of 104,000 acres in the headwaters of the North Umpqua River in Oregon – one of the best wild steelhead rivers in the Lower 48 – …

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Frank and I

In Oregon by Shauna Sherard

By Dean Finnerty I met Frank Moore fifteen years ago.  I had a booth at the Roseburg, Oregon Sportsmen Show to promote my guide business.  At the time, my two older sons were 8 and 6 years old and they were learning to fly fish and tie their own flies.  In front of our booth was an indoor fly casting …