If you’re trying to manage steelhead, one of the more difficult tasks you will have is getting an accurate picture of what populations are doing over a given time. Unlike many of their brethren, steelhead don’t put all their “eggs in one basket.” Runs are timed throughout the year, often during times of high water and poor visibility. This …
Suction Dredge Mining Reform Legislation Introduced in Washington State
Suction Dredge Mining Reform Legislation Introduced in Washington State Suction dredge mining is a largely recreational use of rivers and creeks, practiced by a small number of enthusiasts throughout the West. The impacts of this activity on fish such as steelhead and salmon, however, can be significant. That’s why Trout Unlimited and Wild Steelheaders United have been working to ensure …
The Wild Steelheader Dec. 2016
December 28, 2016 It’s been more than two years since Trout Unlimited’s Wild Steelhead Initiative left the boat ramp. This initiative was born of committed steelhead anglers whose hope for a brighter future for wild steelhead is matched by their stubbornness in fighting for the improvements in habitat and policy required to realize this vision. For too long, steelhead management …
Time to Take Action on Columbia/Snake River Dams
Take Action The Columbia and Snake Rivers were once prolific producers of wild steelhead and salmon. It is estimated that the Snake River system alone produced 55 percent of the Columbia Basin’s summer steelhead and 40 percent of its spring/summer Chinook. But today all Columbia Basin wild steelhead and salmon populations are just a fraction of their historic abundance …
Time to rethink what you thought you knew about steelhead
John McMillan I bet we all think we know what a steelhead is: a rainbow trout that goes to the ocean and returns to spawn in freshwater. I agree. But, new research indicates that the definition may not be so simple. Jason Hall, a researcher with NOAA in Seattle at the Montlake Lab (Northwest Fisheries Science …
Asotin Creek – WDFW update
By Ethan Crawford, Fisheries Biologist – WDFW Asotin Creek Project An earlier blog post described the great resiliency of wild steelhead in Asotin Creek and noted that this resiliency is in part due to a combination of a variety factors: improved habitat quality, increased spill at hydroelectric facilities, good ocean conditions, and a great reduction in hatchery origin steelhead spawners, …
Life history diversity: dispersing risk
By Brian Hodge Just as investors diversify their portfolio of assets to minimize financial loss, fisheries managers may diversify their portfolio of conservation strategies to minimize species loss. Another fishy analog for the “portfolio effect” comes from the steelhead—it reduces risk of extinction by displaying a diverse array of life histories, or pathways from hatch to spawn. My colleagues and …
Fire and Steel
By Tim Frahm The Soberanes Fire on California’s Central Coast offers some lessons for protecting and restoring steelhead habitat before and during wildfires California’s central coast is world renowned for its rugged, scenic beauty. But relatively few know of the technical steelhead angling found here, in streams such as the Carmel River and San Carpoforo Creek that tumble out …
The Green Mile
The Green Mile By Bill Herzog Every steelheader greedily guards their favorite stretch of water. A smile inducing section that – more than anywhere – measures up to your ideals. This guy is no different. My cold weather place is always my first choice on gas burning day. Top of the list daydream inducer. The distilled definition of my winter …
Yakima Basin Integrated Plan presents next step in steelhead recovery
By Justin Bezold, Project manager, Yakima, WA No easy, one-size-fits-all solution to steelhead recovery exists in Washington; the state’s western third is often wet and lush, seemingly with water to spare year-round. The eastern two-thirds are arid and sparse, with dry streams common during critical steelhead migration and spawning periods. While part of the underlying cause to low …