WDFW Announces Wild Steelhead Gene Bank Meetings

In Washington by steelheaders

Here is a great opportunity to rebuild and sustain wild steelhead populations in the rivers of Puget Sound. As a supporter of Wild Steelheaders United, we encourage you to speak up. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife will be setting aside some Puget Sound rivers to be managed exclusively for wild steelhead. These rivers — “wild steelhead gene banks” …

Update from Idaho’s Upper Salmon River

In Idaho by steelheaders

By Matt Green – Upper Salmon Project Manager This spring we put the finishing touches on the Mill Creek Reconnect Project in the upper Pahsimeroi Valley. As often happens within the TU community, a group of hard working volunteers planted over 1,000 potted plants along the newly constructed Mill Creek channel. Mill Creek is now connected to Big Creek for …

It’s the Right Time for River Protection – Smith River OR/CA

In California, Oregon by steelheaders

By Jack E. Williams : This first ran in the Medford Mail Tribune Big-time mining could change the face of some of our most iconic Oregon rivers. Large mines have been proposed for years in the Rough and Ready Creek area and now a foreign mining corporation proposes test drilling for nickel in the beautiful headwater area of Baldface Creek in …

The Russian River, Drought, Fish and Wine

In California by steelheaders

By Sam Davidson It’s tough times in California right now, water-wise. The Golden State is more like the Vermilion State – that being the color of extreme (or even exceptional) drought conditions in much of the state, in maps such as this. California’s salmon, steelhead, and trout are suffering as much or more than any other aquatic species in the current …

Steelhead Science for Anglers: Why you should go

In Oregon by steelheaders

  By Tracy Pennel A few weeks back on the campus of the University of Washington, Trout Unlimited’s Wild Steelhead Initiative brought together scientists, conservationists, and anglers alike for a workshop exploring the current state and restoration potential of wild steelhead.  As a novice steelhead angler and young professional in the world of fisheries, I was glad to participate in …

Steelhead Science for Anglers: Corvallis

In Oregon by Shauna Sherard

  The primary objective of the workshop is to inform anglers about the state of the science regarding steelhead issues most relevant to their angling opportunity and experience, and to provide an opportunity for anglers to share their insights with, and ask questions of the scientists. We have selected some of the very best scientists to present because they are …

ACTION ALERT: Support the Frank Moore Wild Steelhead Sanctuary

In Live Action Alerts, Oregon by Shauna Sherard

Through the great work and support of numerous partners, Oregon Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley have introduced S. 1448 to designate the Frank Moore Wild Steelhead Sanctuary.  The Sanctuary would protect an area of 104,000 acres in the headwaters of the North Umpqua River in Oregon – one of the best wild steelhead rivers in the Lower 48 – …

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Frank and I

In Oregon by Shauna Sherard

By Dean Finnerty I met Frank Moore fifteen years ago.  I had a booth at the Roseburg, Oregon Sportsmen Show to promote my guide business.  At the time, my two older sons were 8 and 6 years old and they were learning to fly fish and tie their own flies.  In front of our booth was an indoor fly casting …