Oregon Recreation Enhancement Act and Smith River National Recreation Area bills pass through Senate Committee.
Science Friday: What’s up with these kelts?
Another Science Friday looking at the fate and migratory oceanic patterns of steelhead kelts from Alaska’s Situk River.
Extraordinary measures
TU and partners sue Pacific Gas and Electric to restore California’s third largest river and its legendary salmon and steelhead fisheries
Washington State Legislative Update
The 2023 Washington legislative session wrapped up on the evening of Sunday, April 23 and looking at the session from Wild Steelheaders United and Trout Unlimited’s perspective, it was a very productive year.
Washington Governor signs critical funding for Snake and Columbia Basins
Today, Governor Jay Inslee signed two bills that will fund studies required in the process to remove the four Lower Snake River dams.
Legislative Update: Two Policy Achievements in Oregon!
Last week, the Oregon legislature passed two bills that are good for wild steelhead
Ghosts of the Spring: Alaska Edition
Our Alaska staff checks-in with a visual update from last season’s fish habitat mapping project and the ongoing work to document anadromous waters and steelhead in Southeast Alaska.
Science Friday (PART TWO): Disappearing Steelhead – The Fate of Summer Steelhead Seeking Coldwater in the Columbia and Snake Rivers
fish traveling downstream through the hydro system, and discussion of possible management changes to help improve steelhead survival.
Science Friday (PART ONE): Disappearing Steelhead – The Fate of Summer Steelhead Seeking Coldwater in the Columbia and Snake Rivers
In the Columbia and Snake rivers hydropower systems, many migrating summer steelhead overshoot their spawning streams, passing dams multiple times and increasing mortality rates, trying to find cold water refuge. We look at the ramifications on steelhead management for not properly accounting for these overshoot steelhead.
Planning for Salmon and Steelhead to Return as the Klamath Dams Come Down
As the largest river restoration effort in history moves forward, Oregon and California plan for fish reintroduction and monitoring