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North Umpqua River closes for summer steelhead fishing

In Oregon by Dean Finnerty

Oregon’s North Umpqua River is legendary for its summer steelhead fishery, and for the special fishing regulations that have helped sustain the unique character and history of this water. Now, for only the second time since Oregon began to regulate fishing on the North Umpqua, the summer steelhead fishery will be closed in 2023 due to poor returns of adult fish. 

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Oregon Legislature honors Frank Moore 

In Oregon by Dean Finnerty

Last week the Oregon Legislature passed House Concurrent Resolution 12, honoring legendary wild steelhead advocate Frank Moore for his lifetime of service to Oregon and his remarkable conservation legacy.  

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Young adults get their hands dirty for fish in Oregon

In Oregon by Greg Fitz

Each summer the Hand Crew Initiative brings together teams of Youth Corps, veterans and other community members to camp, learn about stream restoration and land stewardship, and improve headwater habitats in Northeast Oregon’s salmon and steelhead bearing watersheds.

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Sharing the water

In Oregon by Greg Fitz

TU partnership secures permanent water protections for salmon and a historic mill in Oregon’s Rogue River basin