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Wild steelhead harvest in Oregon

In Oregon by Kyle Smith

Southwest Oregon is one of the only places in the United States where you can legally kill a wild steelhead. Regulations used to allow for one wild steelhead harvest per day, up to five per year, but in 2018 bag limits were reduced to one per day and three per year following a petition from a group of southern Oregon …

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Meet the team: Kyle Smith

In Meet the team, Oregon by Kyle Smith

Next up in our Meet the Team series is Oregon Field Coordinator, Kyle Smith. Kyle works to protect public lands and advocates for policies that ensure a bright future for wild steelhead. Home town: Corvallis, OR Home waters: McKenzie, Willamette Favorite way to catch steelhead (gear, fly, etc.)? Mostly fly rods. Boat or hike?  Why? If I had to choose one, …

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COVID and steelhead: how anglers can stay safe and sane during the pandemic

In Alaska, California, Columbia River, Idaho, Oregon, Washington by Jonathan Stumpf

It’s been close to a month now since the first wave of stay-at-home orders were issued here in the Pacific Northwest due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Anxiety, fear, confusion, sadness, and anger, are all emotions that I’m sure we’ve all felt at one time or another as close to 92% of United States is under a stay-at-home order because of …

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ODFW proposes thermal angling sanctuaries for endangered Columbia River steelhead

In Oregon by Kyle Smith

Late last month, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife held a public meeting on YouTube regarding thermal angling sanctuaries for Columbia River summer steelhead. Wild Steelheaders United covered the importance of thermal angling sanctuaries, also known as cold water refugia, on the blog just before ODFW held their meeting. ODFW’s proposals include thermal angling sanctuaries – limited closures to …

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Sea lion strategy helping Willamette winter steelhead

In Oregon, Steelhead Files by Kyle Smith

By Dean Finnerty In these hard times, it’s uplifting to see a little good news like this morning’s article in The Statesman Journal detailing Willamette winter steelhead returns. Willamette River wild winter steelhead numbers—once as many as 20,000 fish—fell to just over 800 individual fish a few seasons ago. It appeared this once robust run was about to go the …

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Wild Steelheaders United applauds Sen. Wyden and Gov. Brown’s opposition to FERC approval of Jordan Cove Energy Project

In Oregon by Kyle Smith

Yesterday, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission voted 2-1 to approve the highly controversial Jordan Cove Energy Project.  The project would include an export terminal in Coos Bay, OR and a 230-mile-long pipeline from Malin, OR to the export facility on the southern Oregon coast. The pipeline’s route will cross a number of iconic salmon and steelhead watersheds, including the Coquille, …

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Meetings on Lower Snake Dams available via teleconference

In Idaho, Oregon, Snake River, Washington by Kyle Smith

If you are interested in weighing in on the recently released draft environmental impact statement regarding the Lower Snake and Columbia River dams, you can do so via telephone: –Days: March 18, 19, 25, 26, 31–Times: 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. PT–Toll-free: 844-721-7241–International: 409-207-6955–Access Code: 5998146# You may also provide comments online by April 13. Trout Unlimited will provide more information on …

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Cold water refuges in the Columbia River- what are they and why are they important?

In Columbia River, Idaho, Oregon, Snake River, Steelhead Files, Washington by Kyle Smith

After months of winter steelheading, and with spring a few days away, wet-wading and sunshine are starting to sound pretty appealing. But warmer temperatures also bring some complications for summer steelhead in the Columbia basin. Tributaries like Herman Creek, Eagle Creek, Little White Salmon, and the Deschutes River deliver cold water to the Columbia even when air temps climb. Summer …

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Conservation and Timber Interests Reach Agreement on Changes to Oregon Forest Practices

In Oregon by Kyle Smith

Today, Governor Kate Brown announced a historic agreement between conservation groups and timber companies that represents an important first step in a process that will see the most significant update of Oregon’s Forest Practices Act in decades.  This agreement, formalized as a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the timber industry and major conservation groups, should deliver significant benefits for Oregon’s …