If you’ve seen the recent news regarding Snake River steelhead returns, you’ve likely asked yourself, what’s the issue with the four lower Snake River dams? We try to add some context.
Legendary Red Shed Fly Shop says the Lower Four should go
We spend some time at the Red Shed Fly Shop this fall and listened to some of Poppy Cummings’ steelhead wisdom, and why we need to breach the four Lower Snake River Dams.
Time to go all in
It’s high time we admit we got it wrong and current efforts are no longer cutting it for salmon and steelhead survival on the lower Snake.
Clearwater Daze
A pair of Great Lakes spey anglers share their love for Idaho’s Clearwater River, its big steelhead, and their support for breaching the Lower Snake River Dams.
Time to Stop the Bullying of Salmon
Chris Wood, TU President and CEO, explains what’s at stake on the Snake River.
Washington Governor signs critical funding for Snake and Columbia Basins
Today, Governor Jay Inslee signed two bills that will fund studies required in the process to remove the four Lower Snake River dams.
Steel Dreams: Outing on Clearwater River drives home what’s at stake on the Snake
People often refer to rivers of the Northwest as some of the last truly “wild” places in the Lower 48. The Clearwater River in Idaho is one of those places.
NOAA: Breaching lower Snake River dams is “essential” to wild salmon and steelhead recovery
Biden Administration released a draft report today from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) determining that removal of the lower four Snake River dams is urgently necessary to save plummeting populations of salmon and steelhead in the basin.
Solution seekers vs. the ‘Refuse to Try’ camp
What do we – a former energy executive, an Eastern Washington wheat farmer, and a long-time salmon advocate and angler – have in common?
Your Snake Questions – Answered
While the science is clear, it’s not always easy to understand the process and potential impacts of dam removal. Here are seven frequently asked questions about taking down the Lower Snake River dams and restoring critical populations of wild fish in the Basin.