We’re still riding high from the incredible story of recovery told by Shane Anderson in last week’s premier of Rising from the Ashes. Today, we’ve got another in our Meet the Team blog series and this week the spotlight is on Jenny Weis, Alaska Communications Manager for TU. Jenny is part of the team that put together content for Elwha …
What is the relationship between freshwater and ocean growth and steelhead life histories in the Situk River
We are in the heart of winter steelhead season now. Some regions are experiencing poor returns of wild fish this year, while others are faring better. As steelheaders we ride the wave, from good years to bad ones and everything in between. This week we are back with a Science Friday post on a recent study on wild steelhead in …
Mining & Transboundary Rivers: What do the Skagit, Taku, Stikine, and Elk rivers have in common?
British Columbia is in the midst of a mining boom, with dozens of large-scale mines in various stages of exploration, development, and operation. Lax mining regulations and low standards for financial bonding have encouraged the industry’s expansion in the region, but at what cost? Many of these mine sites sit within watersheds of rivers — like the Skagit River …
Cutting TLMP threatens Tongass Steelhead
The incredible fishing opportunity in Southeast Alaska’s Tongass National Forest has survived despite years of timber wars across the region. Logging the impressive old growth trees of the Tongass poses direct threats to wild salmon and steelhead by increasing the amount of sediment in streams, raising water temperatures and removing key spawning habitat. However, with a recent amendment to …