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The Choice for Hatchery Residual Steelhead

In Science Friday by Nick Chambers

Do you know that not all hatchery steelhead smolts actually migrate to the ocean? Some remain in freshwater. Either way, these O. mykiss face a future that could be heroic (survive long enough to mate with a wild steelhead adult female) — or not-so-heroic (survive the summer in freshwater but perish during the difficult conditions of the winter).   We …

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Skagit to Open to Steelhead Fishing Once Again

In Washington by Nick Chambers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   April 12, 2018   Contact:  Rob Masonis, VP for Western Conservation, Trout Unlimited,, 206-491-9016 Nick Chambers, Wild Steelhead Initiative Organizer,, 541-908-1329   Trout Unlimited and Wild Steelheaders United applaud decision to re-open Skagit River wild steelhead fishery, call for additional analysis of fishery impact limits to ensure consistency with recovery SEATTLE—Trout Unlimited (TU) and …