The Forest Service has an opportunity to remove the last barrier to fish passage in Oregon’s Elk River, but we need your help to ensure the project receives priority funding.
Klamath Reservoir Drawdowns: Short-term Costs for much larger long-term gains
The Klamath dam removal process is well underway and has received a lot of attention – both positive and negative. In some cases, outright misinformation has been spread by opponents of dam removal.
The Value of Monitoring Fish Populations in the John Day Basin
TU’s Oregon Policy Advisor spends a day with Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife on the John Day River
Bringing the salmon (and steelhead) home
The Klamath River dam removal is well underway. With one dam removed and three more to go, by this fall, the Klamath River will be reconnected for the first time in over a century.
Legislative Summary: Oregon’s 2024 Legislative Session
The Oregon Legislature wrapped up its 2024 legislative session in March. Trout Unlimited (TU) and Wild Steelheaders United are pleased to report that the Legislature passed some important policy and budget measures for fish and rivers this year. Fortunately, some counter-productive proposals didn’t advance.
Law Enforcement Plays an Essential Role in Conserving Wild Fish
TU’s Oregon Policy Advisor spends a day with Oregon State Police
Missing the mark: Understanding why steelhead overshoot Oregon’s John Day River
Overshooting happens when steelhead ascend one or more dams upstream of their natal tributaries and must eventually pass back through the hydro system and downstream fish passage facilities that are not designed to accommodate adult fish. Here’s why the John Day River is critical to understanding more about this phenomenon.
To kill bass (or not)
One angler’s thoughts on smallie fishing on Oregon’s Umpqua river system and their effect on salmonoid populations.
North Umpqua River closes for summer steelhead fishing
Oregon’s North Umpqua River is legendary for its summer steelhead fishery, and for the special fishing regulations that have helped sustain the unique character and history of this water. Now, for only the second time since Oregon began to regulate fishing on the North Umpqua, the summer steelhead fishery will be closed in 2023 due to poor returns of adult fish.
Legislative Summary: Oregon’s 2023 Legislative Session
The Oregon Legislature recently completed its 2023 legislative session. Wild Steelheaders United is pleased to report on several positive bills for steelhead and rivers.