March 10 marked the end of the 2022 Washington State Legislative Session. For a short session, it was a remarkably busy non-budget year in which several important issues on steelhead were decided.
January Legislative Update: Washington
In January, the Washington legislature commenced a “short session” that will end on March 10. We are tracking a variety of bills during the 2022 session that relate to wild steelhead issues.
Oregon conservation groups, timber interests reach historic agreement
New comprehensive agreement, known as the Private Forest Accord, will dramatically improve the health of Oregon watersheds for both fish and people.
WILD: the relationship between steelhead and the fires they survive
It’s understandable that after a fire season like the one we just had—by many accounts, one of the worst fire seasons in recorded history in the US—many anglers want to know: how do the fires that we see all over the news affect the steelhead and rivers we love?
Science Friday: Update on the Hood Canal bridge and survival of steelhead smolts
This week’s Science Friday is an update on a topic we have covered before: the effect of the Hood Canal bridge on survival of steelhead smolts passing through Hood Canal.
Sportfishing Industry asks Trump for solid review of Snake River Dams
More than 50 fishing companies, trade groups and conservation organizations sent a letter today to President Donald Trump in support of taking a fresh look at removing four large dams on the lower Snake River to recover wild salmon and steelhead that once thrived in the Snake River Basin of Idaho, Oregon and Washington. With a court-ordered comprehensive analysis …
Proposed Mine Threatens Methow Headwaters
The Methow River is one of Washington’s most iconic rivers for steelhead fishing and other outdoor pursuits, and it continues to be a Pacific Northwest mecca for anglers, hunters, recreationists, and conservationists alike. But proposed large-scale copper mining on Flagg Mountain, within the headwaters of the Methow River, directly threatens this investment and poses a serious threat to these fish …