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Water quality and steelhead

In Oregon by James Fraser

Steelhead, like all of their salmonid cousins, need cold, clean water to thrive. But protecting and restoring water quality can be a real challenge, as the changing climate is making conditions warmer and drier throughout many watersheds.  

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It’s time for the lower Snake River dams to go

In Columbia River, Idaho, Oregon, Snake River, Steelhead Files, Washington by steelheaders

“It is our collective opinion, based on overwhelming scientific evidence, that restoration of a free-flowing lower Snake River is essential to recovering wild Pacific salmon and steelhead in the basin.”

So reads a remarkable letter recently sent to the governors of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana by 10 of the finest and most-respected salmon and steelhead scientists in the world.

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Our failure to remember affects salmon and steelhead conservation

In Alaska, California, Idaho, Oregon, Steelhead Files, Washington by Kyle Smith

We’ve all heard stories from our grandparents of unbelievable abundance and sizes in their fishing forays — the salmon so numerous it boggled the mind, and those Lahontan cutthroat trout so big you couldn’t wrap your arms around them. Yet even with these anecdotes it’s still hard to internalize just how different our experience of today is from way back when. That’s just human nature: memory is hard to maintain, especially across generations.