Our Washington Coast Restoration Program, is working in coastal watersheds of the Evergreen State to remove or replace decrepit culverts and road crossings and other barriers to wild steelhead migration.
John Day Steelhead Project Update
In 2020, the John Day Steelhead Project was able to successfully capture and acoustic tag 200 wild A-run summer steelhead at Bonneville Dam. Read more about the project and what is planned for this year.
The Snake needs your help
Lower Snake Dam Removal campaign is seeking applicants for the new Snake River Ambassador Program.
The end of hatchery summer steelhead on the North Umpqua
On April 22nd, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission voted 4-3 to end the hatchery summer steelhead program on the North Umpqua River after determining that the hatchery program presented an unacceptable risk to wild fish.
Business as usual won’t restore the Eel River
At one time, California’s Eel River once had incredibly abundant salmon, steelhead, and Pacific lamprey fisheries. But dams, major water diversions, legacy impacts from clearcut logging, and illegal cannabis cultivation have compromised the Eel’s productivity for salmonids and lamprey.
Outdoor brand Wise River and artist Piper Nunn Join Forces for Wild Steelhead
On this Earth Day 2022, we’re excited to release the limited-edition Wild Steelheaders tee, a collaboration with Wise River and artist Piper Nunn.
Meet the Team: Gary Marston
This month, we welcomed our new Science Advisor, Gary Marston, to our team here at Wild Steelheaders United.
Anglers, guides, and outfitters across Oregon support the River Democracy Act
More than 40 angling and hunting related businesses, organizations, and community groups in Oregon have released a letter of support for the River Democracy Act.
Lower Snake River events coming to you in Spokane and Boise
Join Chris Wood, TU President and CEO, at two events focused on the Snake River in Spokane and Boise
Last best chance for recovery of Klamath salmon and steelhead
There is real hope for restoring the Klamath River and its fisheries, however. That’s because a multi-decade effort to remove the four dams of the Lower Klamath Project—in which Trout Unlimited has played a major role—is now close to the finish line.