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Lifelong love affair

In Washington by Sam Davidson

Science Director John McMillan accepted a new position with The Conservation Angler, which will allow him to do research on wild steelhead on Russia’s remote and largely intact Kamchatka Peninsula. WSI founder Rob Masonis provides his thoughts on what McMillan has meant to Trout Unlimited, and to wild steelhead in the Pacific Northwest.

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Steelhead Past to Present

In Washington by Jonathan Stumpf

In part two in the unveiling of our new report on OP winter steelhead, we dive deeper into understanding the shift in run and spawn timing, and how this research can help with recovery planning.

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Changes coming to Idaho’s Clearwater River steelhead season

In Idaho by Eric Crawford

The Clearwater River Fisheries Working Group was tasked with providing recommendations to IDF&G that addressed both complaints from the angling community and mitigation of impacts on fish and angling opportunity due to overlaps of the fall chinook and steelhead fisheries. Here are the proposals and results.