The Klamath River dam removal is well underway. With one dam removed and three more to go, by this fall, the Klamath River will be reconnected for the first time in over a century.
There’s hope for endangered salmon and steelhead
Trout Unlimited’s North Coast Coho Project receives NOAA’s Partners in the Spotlight Award.
Legislative Summary: Washington’s 2024 Session
Trout Unlimited was hard at work in the 2024 session promoting conservation-oriented policy and funding items critical for our steelhead and other coldwater fish populations.
Legislative Summary: Oregon’s 2024 Legislative Session
The Oregon Legislature wrapped up its 2024 legislative session in March. Trout Unlimited (TU) and Wild Steelheaders United are pleased to report that the Legislature passed some important policy and budget measures for fish and rivers this year. Fortunately, some counter-productive proposals didn’t advance.
A Watershed Moment on the Elwha River
This fall on Washington’s Elwha River, for the first time since dam removal, recovering Coho salmon numbers were able to support a Ceremonial and Subsistence fishery led by the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe
Klamath Fish Reintroduction effort receives additional capacity
The 2024 Oregon legislative session ended last week, and Trout Unlimited (TU) is pleased to share that the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) Klamath Fish Reintroduction effort received important funding to fully monitor the first returns of anadromous fish to the Upper Basin this fall.
Lessons from Declines in Chinook Productivity
In this month’s Science Friday, we look at the loss of fecundity in Washington Chinook populations.
New plan aims to recover native salmon and steelhead in California, reflects TU restoration and policy priorities
On January 30, Governor Gavin Newsom released a plan for reversing the decline of native salmon and steelhead in California. This plan, California Salmon Strategy for a Hotter, Drier Future, affirms that actions and policies long supported by TU, tribes, and fishing and conservation groups are key to recovery of native salmon and steelhead and their fisheries, and that strategic, sustained collaboration will be needed to implement these actions and policies.
Trout Unlimited Priority Waters: Steelhead Country
Steelhead, trout, and salmon are at a pivotal moment. The threats they face are enormous. This is why we are throwing our energies into the protection and recovery of rivers across steelhead country and building strongholds for the long term.
Legislative Update: Oregon’s 2024 Legislative Session
On February 5th, the Oregon legislature commenced a “short session” that will continue into March. Wild Steelheaders United is engaging on a number of bills that would affect wild steelhead. Here’s our take on the state of play: