One angler’s thoughts on smallie fishing on Oregon’s Umpqua river system and their effect on salmonoid populations.
John Day Steelhead Project continues to address overshoot
Learn more about the next phase of the John Day Steelhead Project and how you can support
A New Video Celebrates an Ambitious Restoration Project on the Wallowa River
Northeast Oregon landowners partner with TU to restore salmon and steelhead habitat.
North Umpqua River closes for summer steelhead fishing
Oregon’s North Umpqua River is legendary for its summer steelhead fishery, and for the special fishing regulations that have helped sustain the unique character and history of this water. Now, for only the second time since Oregon began to regulate fishing on the North Umpqua, the summer steelhead fishery will be closed in 2023 due to poor returns of adult fish.
New Protection Status Proposed for Three Washington Rivers
The Washington Department of Ecology has nominated three rivers in Washington State for designation as Outstanding Resource Waters under the Clean Water Act.
First of the Klamath dams comes down
Copco II, the first of four dams to be removed on the Klamath River, is nearly gone. Crews have been working hard this summer to remove the concrete structure and restore the river channel.
Science Friday: Rapid diversification in Salmon and Steelhead Populations Following Dam Removal
In this week’s Science Friday post, John McMillan is back with a breakdown of a recent study looking at how steelhead, chinook, and coho are re-establshing their populations and diversity, on a pair of Elwha River tributaries between the former dam sites.
Steelhead and Salmon Recovery Must be Built on Ambitious, Achievable Goals Instead of Bare Minimums
The communities and ecosystem of the Columbia River Basin need healthy and harvestable salmon and steelhead populations.
US Senate advances legislation to help wild steelhead in Oregon
Oregon Recreation Enhancement Act and Smith River National Recreation Area bills pass through Senate Committee.
Science Friday: What’s up with these kelts?
Another Science Friday looking at the fate and migratory oceanic patterns of steelhead kelts from Alaska’s Situk River.