Much of the original evolutionary fabric of wild steelhead populations in the Pacific Northwest has been lost to history. But how much, exactly? A new report examining Olympic Peninsula steelhead sheds some light on that.
Steelhead Past to Present
In part two in the unveiling of our new report on OP winter steelhead, we dive deeper into understanding the shift in run and spawn timing, and how this research can help with recovery planning.
The Undeleted Steelhead Decades
New research shows historical catch records from 70 years ago unlock new insights about population changes in Olympic Peninsula wild steelhead.
Wild Steelhead Harvest: Biological or Social Issue?
In the final installment of our five-part series on Oregon’s Rogue-South Coast Plan, we recap some of our previous concerns and make the case why we believe wild steelhead harvest on Oregon’s coast must end.
Speak up for wild steelhead of Oregon’s South Coast
A new plan released by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife for managing wild steelhead fisheries on Oregon’s southern coastal streams has generated strong reactions from wild steelhead anglers and advocates.
Rogue-South Coast Management Plan: Public Comment
After more than two years of development, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) recently released its Rogue-South Coast Multi-Species Conservation and Management Plan (RSP) for public comment. We have the scoop on what’s in it and how you you can speak up on behalf of wild steelhead.
The case for better data on Oregon’s South Coast
A fishery management plan being developed for southwest Oregon coastal rivers has generated some debate over whether to temporarily reduce or prohibit harvest of wild steelhead.
Oregon South Coast Management Plan Proposal Nearing Completion
In order to continue with the opportunity to harvest wild steelhead in southern Oregon, we need better science. If we continue down the path of harvesting wild steelhead without better understanding of population and harvest levels, we could watch those populations decline to unfishable levels within our lifetime. Here’s our update on the latest…
Wild steelhead harvest in Oregon
Southwest Oregon is one of the only places in the United States where you can legally kill a wild steelhead. Regulations used to allow for one wild steelhead harvest per day, up to five per year, but in 2018 bag limits were reduced to one per day and three per year following a petition from a group of southern Oregon …