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Ghosts of the Spring: Alaska Edition

In Alaska by Mark Hieronymus

Our Alaska staff checks-in with a visual update from last season’s fish habitat mapping project and the ongoing work to document anadromous waters and steelhead in Southeast Alaska.

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Science Friday (PART ONE): Disappearing Steelhead – The Fate of Summer Steelhead Seeking Coldwater in the Columbia and Snake Rivers

In Science Friday by Gary Marston

In the Columbia and Snake rivers hydropower systems, many migrating summer steelhead overshoot their spawning streams, passing dams multiple times and increasing mortality rates, trying to find cold water refuge. We look at the ramifications on steelhead management for not properly accounting for these overshoot steelhead.

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Oregon Legislature honors Frank Moore 

In Oregon by Dean Finnerty

Last week the Oregon Legislature passed House Concurrent Resolution 12, honoring legendary wild steelhead advocate Frank Moore for his lifetime of service to Oregon and his remarkable conservation legacy.